Gardner Method
Gardner Method of Prenatal Chiropractic care (formerly knows as the Bagnell Technique) is another chiropractic technique used to analyze for in-utero constraint. It involves a more in-depth analysis of the pelvis, sacrum, and attaching muscles and ligaments. Dr. Candice uses both the Webster and Gardner Method techniques to analyze for constraint on the fetus. It has been strongly recommended by doctors trained in these techniques that the specific analysis and adjustment of the sacrum, pelvis, muscles and ligaments be used throughout pregnancy to detect subluxations and prevent in-utero constraint. If referring for a mal-presentation when chiropractic care has not been received throughout the pregnancy, the Webster and the Gardner Method Techniques work best when performed prior to 36 weeks gestation. We have had babies turn after 36 weeks, but the success rate goes down as the baby gets bigger and has less room to move. Because of the effect the chiropractic adjustment has on all body functions, all pregnant mothers should have their spines checked regularly throughout pregnancy, optimizing health potential for themselves and their developing baby. Chiropractic care from conception and continued after birth for both mother and child has given many families an opportunity for greater health.
Dr. Candice Koch was previously certified with Dr. Gardner with the Bagnell Technique and has worked extensively with Dr. Karen Gardner previously to perfect the Premier Pregnancy Practice program and the Gardner Method. Click here for more information.